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make it new中文是什么意思

用"make it new"造句"make it new"怎么读"make it new" in a sentence


  • 保持常新
  • 要革新


  • The sampling licenses let you invite other people to use a part of your work and make it new
  • The trick to creating a successful spin - off is to keep enough of what made the first show a success to make the fans want to watch it , while changing enough to make it new and interesting
  • Interviewer : it would be easy to talk about your poetry as a link between , say , frost and younger metrical writers , but a case can be [ end page 40 ] made for your work actually being connected to ezra pound ' s " make it new , " in that your poems are metrically innovative , not using traditional forms much
用"make it new"造句  
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